During college, an athletic young man goes from robustly healthy to sickly overnight. Plagued by unbearable migraines, he sees conventional medical doctors, undergoes tests, but is sent home again and again – with nothing. No answers. No help. So, he seeks the help of a doctor with a more holistic practice, finally gets clear results, makes changes, and feels better in less than a week.
That young man was Dr. Jared Larsen, Lead Clinician and founder of Twin Cities Metabolism. His experience taught him two important truths that laid the foundation for his practice. First, that guessing with your health wastes vital time when the right tests can expose exactly what’s wrong. And second, in its eagerness to prescribe and operate, conventional medicine can often look in the wrong places, seeking short-term fixes rather than lasting solutions. So, Jared earned his bachelor’s degree in exercise science, a doctorate in chiropractic, a master’s in human nutrition, and launched TCM in 2007 – with the mission to find the cause of mystifying health issues, and to solve them, patient by patient.
Giving answers to those who can’t find them, providing direction for those who are lost, and seeing the real, tangible benefits his clinic offers – these are what drives Dr. Jared. And he enjoys watching people get more out of their years and live as a result.